Sebenarnya inda banyak gambar i took during in Dubai. It was as short trip berabis with minimum rest. Inda banyak gamabr kan diambil. This picture took during we on going London.Begambar dalam galley area saja..pun jadi..hehehe
This is Dj Fauzan, of course yang in the middle. He went to Madrid atas urusan keraja. I didnt realized si Fauzan was onboard. If its not because Asman( Right) who mentioned to me about Fauzan , i wouldnt know his onboard. Tekajutku jua,i met him from Dubai to London Heathrow. Lalah usul gayanya si Fauzan ani, and ia pun seorang nganya ke Madrid. Sampat lagi begambar tu crew ah.. Katanya kan begambar ku sama Dj Pelangi..heheeh glamour2 si Fauzan tarus...hehehe ..Panjang lebar cerita kami dua sama si Fauzan. Matanya pun menyamal kan tidur due Jetlag. So, minum2 coffee di Galley, just kill the time. The flight time from Dubai to London was 7hours and 40 minutes.
This is Flora Creek Hotel in Dubai that we stay. The picture above was in the lobby itself. I took it from angle out from the lift.. Nda lagi kan sampat mengambar in that area..pasal kan begagas kan keluar mencari makanan and other stuff.
Around 2pm, me and Malek went up to City Centre,pasal lapar. Iatah nganya sampat ku gambar waktu diluar,atupun macam inda betantu. Hehehe Sorry..
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